Environmental Assessment
EcoAssets provides stream, riparian and wetland assessments and conducts determinate surveys for special-status plant and wildlife species including those protected under the federal and state Endangered Species Acts.
Our staff has Pacific Northwest-wide experience working within a variety of habitats and natural communities, including:
Species’ habitat components
Life histories
Using Agency-approved survey methodologies
Our services include:
Initial baseline environmental studies
Environmental planning review
Permit submitall & negotiation
Mitigation design
Compliance reporting
Ask about Rapid Restoration Opportunity Analysis Method (RROAM), a conscientious and efficient broadscale analysis to develop salmon habitat, wetland, and riparian restoration concepts and sites for your watershed work.

Wetland Assesment
EcoAssets conducts assessments and delineations of wetlands and other waters of the United States. Wetland assessments are conducted to identify the presence and approximate extent of potentially jurisdictional waters of the United States (regulated under the federal Clean Water Act), and waters regulated by the WA Departments of Ecology Natural Resources and Fish and Wildlife.
The Federal Services are consulted under the federal Endangered Species Act regarding potential effects to federally-listed threatened and endangered species. Our assessments meet federal assessment criteria including USACE, FEMA, HUD, and also local agency and state environmental due diligence requirements.
Other Services
Our wide range of services fits our mission to provide the best solution that helps everyone.