Mr. Dominguez has over 30 years of experience in fish and aquatic ecology and natural resource management. He served many years as federal and state agency biologist and scientist in the disciplines of salmon ecology, riparian science, fluvial geomorphology, estuarine science, fish passage biology and engineering, restoration ecology and regulatory compliance. He regularly worked with engineers and field biologists and interagency teams to conduct fish passage analysis and resolve fish passage issues statewide. Additionally he has worked along the west and east coasts in habitat restoration, fish passage and channel design and has come alongside Eastern European instream diversion structure designers to provide design input that considers fish behavior and ecology.
What we do:

Assess, scope, recommend, design, facilitate and implement effective stream and shoreline restoration projects.
We recognize the resiliency of our natural systems and work with the designs that nature shows us. We work with clients to assess, recognize, and prioritize restoration opportunities through various restoration opportunity analysis protocol.
In watersheds this could be riparian silvicultural to attain desired function, in-channel and floodplain habitat restoration, fish barrier evaluation and culvert stream simulation design to shore-friendly bioengineering practices in shoreline areas.
EcoAssets works with our engineer partners who are experienced in structure design by providing field data and design guidance for stream simulation compliance and addressing natural system functions and response. We also come alongside your engineer staff to provide design and environmental compliance support in designing permit-able structures. We utilize widely-accepted State and Federal asessment and design manuals.
Finally, to help see your project come to fruition we can assist with acquiring funding through grant assisting and providing effective technical narratives for competitive grants.
Other Services
Our wide range of services fits our mission to provide the best solution that helps everyone.