Lawrence G. Dominguez, MES
Principal Ecologist / Project Manager
Mr. Dominguez has over 30 years of professional experience in federal, state and local environmental regulation compliance, salmon and aquatic ecology, watershed assessment, stream restoration, freshwater, wetland, estuarine, nearshore and marine ecology, natural resource management, wetland delineation and functional assessment, education and outreach, public facilitation, project management and program development.
Member Assn. of State Floodplain Managers
Member American Fisheries Society
Member Society of Wetland Scientists
Past President, WA-BC Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
General Co-Chair 2011 Am. Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA
Adjunct Professor, The Evergreen State College Graduate Schoolof the Environment 2004 -2011
Wetlands Rating and Functional Assessment WA Department of Ecology
Specializes in river, floodplain, estuarine, and riparian processes and their conservation and restoration techniques utilizing a knowledge base of aquatic organism life history diversity, fluvial geomorphologic concepts, riparian-aquatic interactions, floodplain and riparian ecology, limiting factors, and land use effects.
Senior-level technical and management roles with the Washington Departments of Natural Resources and Fish and Wildlife, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, and private environmental firms.
Expertise in fish passage, limiting factors analysis, river and nearshore ecology and regulatory environmental permits, Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Act, Magnuson Stevens Act.
Published articles in salmon habitat restoration, salmon-wildlife interactions, and management for restoring aquatic function.
Project Experience
Salmon Habitat and Watershed Assessment and Restoration
Goodman Creek Large Woody Debris Placement Hoh River, WA
Forks Ck. Assessment and Large Wood Design, Pacific County, WA
Lower Columbia River Restoration Opportunity Analysis, Portland, OR
White River Shoreline Assessment and Erosion Monitoring, Pierce Co., WA
Fry Creek Tide Gate and Channel Restoration, Aberdeen, WA
Trout Lake Forest Planning NEPA Compliance, Colville NF
Colville National Forest Stewardship Plan/NEPA Analysis – E. WA
Ahtanum, Lake Whatcom, and Raging River State Forests Watershed Analysis
Loomis State Forest Landscape Plan – WA
Environmental Foundation Study – City of Portland, OR
Ft. Lewis/McChord Aquatic Assessment – US Department of the Army
Ship Wake Wave Analysis, Lower Columbia River
Burns Paiute Brook Trout Eradication Genetics Study, Burns, OR
Clearwater River Ecosystems Diagnosis and Treatment – Coastal WA
Fish Passage
Icicle Creek Boulder Field Analysis, Wenatchee- Okanogan National Forest
Pants Creek Structural Plate Culvert Repair, Thurston County, WA Goodman
26th Ave. Culvert Design and Repair, Thurston County, WA
Jones Road 30% Design and Channel Assessment, Thurston County, WA
Scott Creek Loop Preliminary Design, Thurston County, WA
Big Meadow Channel Assessment and Stream Simulation, Wenatchee, WA
Minnow Creek Multi Culvert Fish Passage, Wenatchee Nat’l Forest, WA
French Road. Butler Creek Bridge Scoping and Design, Thurston County, WA
Fry Creek Tide Gate Design Assistance and Permitting, Aberdeen, WA
Issuance of HPA for WSDOT Fish Passage Injunction, WDFW, Olympia, WA
Section Leader, WDFW Fish Passage and Screening, WA State Government
Wetlands and Regulatory Compliance
Forest and Fish Law – Riparian Rues Development, Western WA
Water Typing, Multiple Clients, Statewide, WA
Luhrs Landing Boat Ramp Biological Assessment, Thurston County, WA
Potis Wetlands and Mitigation Report, Thurston County, WA
Veloni Shoreline Structure Permitting, Thurston County,
North Shore Levee Wetlands Delineation, Aberdeen, WA
NEPA Federal Way Non-motorized Corridor, Federal Way Public Works, WA
NEPA 15th Street Dock Replacement, City of Tacoma, WA
HUD Environmental Assessment, City of Lakewood, WA
Pt. Whitney Boat Ramp Rehabilitation Biological Assessment, WA
Pallid Sturgeon Biological Assessment, USACE, Kansas City, MI
Keystone Multi-state Pipeline Aquatic Crossings BA, Department of State
Discovery Park Wetlands and Sediment Analysis, Seattle, WA
Service Areas
Environmental Compliance (NEPA, SEPA, Critical Areas, USACE, HPA, CWA, ESA, MSA, FEMA)
Fish Passage Evaluation and Stream Simulation Design
Diversion Screening Compliance; Design Alternatives
Project Impact Analysis
Aquatic and Riparian Resource Assessment
Alternate Plan timber management for small forest landowners
Threatened and Endangered Species Analysis and Consultations
Wetland Ecology, Delineation and Functional Assessment
Habitat and Critical Areas Assessment
Restoration Prioritization
Riparian Science and Management
Nearshore Marine and Stream Fish Friendly Bank Stabilization
Stream and Watershed Restoration Project Development and Design
Project Concepts, Grant or Proposal Writing
Project Management, Public Facilitation and GIS Mapping
Our wide range of services fits our mission to provide the best solution that helps everyone.